Most of the data in this report comes from our original research and self-reported surveys. (See Methodology.) Sources for demographic information, census data, surveys, statistics and all other information taken from somewhere else can be found through the links incorporated into the text. Additionally, we’ve used the following books and reports as references:

González, Juan and Torres, Joseph. News for All The People: The Epic Story of Race and the American Media. New York, Verso, 2011

Retis, Jessica. Hispanic Media Today. Serving bilingual and bicultural audiences in the digital age. Commissioned by the Democracy Fund, May 2019

Retis, Jessica. “Spanish Language Newspapers in the United States” in: Encyclopedia of Latino Culture: From Calaveras to Quinceañeras. Charles M. Tatum (Ed). Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood, 2013

Retis, Jessica. “Spanish Language Television in the United States” in: Encyclopedia of Latino Culture: From Calaveras to Quinceañeras. Charles M. Tatum (Ed). Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood

Evaluating Job Satisfaction of Latino/a Journalists in Multimedia Newsrooms: A Comparative Examination Between 2017 and 2017. 2017. By María de los Ángeles Flores, University of El Paso Texas and National Association of Hispanic Journalists

Hispanic Map of the United States 2017. By Rosana Hernández Nieto and Marcus C. Gutiérrez. Instituto Cervantes at FAS, Harvard University

Hispanic and African American News Media Fact Sheet included in the Pew Research Center State of the News Media Report

From the Ballot Box to the Grocery Store. A 2016 perspective on growing hispanic influence in America. By Nielsen

Network Brownout Report 2005: The portrayal of Latinos & Latino Issues on Network Television News, 2004, with a Retrospect to 1995

The Latino Media Gap: A Report on the State of Latinos in U.S. Media. By Frances Negrón Muntaner, with Chelsea Abbas, Luis Figueroa and Samuel Robson. Commissioned by NALIP, The Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race at Columbia University, and the National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts. 2014

The Latino Disconnect. Latinos in the Age of Media Mergers. By Frances Negrón Muntaner and Chelsea Abbas. Commissioned by The Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race at Columbia University, and the National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts. 2016

Women and minorities in newsrooms. RTDNA, 2017

Women and people of color in local TV and radio news. RTDNA, 2018

Diversity in newsrooms has been bad for decades and it probably won’t get better: study Columbia Journalism Review, September 2017

Five decades after Kerner Report, representation remains an issue in media. Columbia Journalism Review, March 2018

Polling Results on the Coverage of Race in the News Media 50 years post-Kerner Commission by the Ford Foundation

The personal news cycle: a focus on African American and Hispanic News Consumers, The Media Insight Project, 2017.
This report was also informed by the perspective and information offered by many members of the industry at the annual Latino Media Summit at the Newmark J-School. Videos with the full content of the conference can be found here for 2017 and here for 2018.