(From the State of the Latino News Media Database as of June 15, 2019)
Total number of outlets: 624
Top States by Number of Latino Media Outlets:
- California: 91
- Texas: 63
- Florida: 55
- New York: 48
- North Carolina: 23
- Puerto Rico: 66*
*If it were a state, it would rank No. 2
States with Lowest Number of Latino Media Outlets:
- Mississippi: 1
- Alaska: 2
- Alabama, Delaware, Kansas, Louisiana, and New Mexico: 3 each
- Arkansas and Rhode Island: 4 each
- Idaho, Nebraska, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin: 5 each
States with No Latino Media Outlets identified:
Hawaii, Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, Wyoming.
Outlets by Language (out of 624):
- Spanish: 484 or 77.56%
- English: 45 or 7.21%
- Spanish/English: 95 or 15.22% (This number includes one trilingual outlet: Tribuna in Connecticut, with content in English/Spanish/Portuguese)
Outlets by Main Format:
- Newspaper: 244
- TV station: 181
- TV (without Univisión, Telemundo y UniMás): 49
- Web: 89
- Web-only (includes newsletters, blogs, newswires): 87
- Radio: 37
- Podcast: 33
- Magazine: 32
- Blog: 3
- Newswire: 3
- Newsletter: 2
Telemundo and Univisión:
- Univisión (Owned & Operated plus affiliates): 65
- Telemundo (Owned & Operated plus affiliates): 45
- Univisión-owned UniMás: 26 (UniMás is an Univisión-owned network that carries Univisión programming)
Puerto Rico:
Number of outlets: 66
By Format:
- Newspaper 20
- TV 7
- Web 18
- Magazine 1
- Radio 10
- Podcast 8
- Newswires 2
By Language:
- Spanish 62
- English 4
Total numbers without Puerto Rico:
Number of outlets: 558
By Format:
- Newspaper 224 (40.21%)
- TV 174 (31.23%)
- Web 71 (12.74%)
- Magazine 31 (5.56%)
- Radio 27 (4.83%)
- Podcast 25 (4.48%)
- Blog 3 (0.53%)*
- Newsletter 2 (0.35%)*
- Newswires 1 (0.17%)
By Language:
- Spanish 422 (75.62%)
- English/Spanish 95 (17.05%)*
- English 41 (7.34%)
Public TV or Radio Networks
HITN (New York)
KBBF (California)
Latino Public Radio (Rhode Island)
Lexington Community Radio (Kentucky)
Radio Bilingüe (California)
*Latino USA and Radio Ambulante, as mentioned in the report, are not owned by public media but are distributed by public media.
Spanish-language publications owned by an English-language media company:
Adelante Valle, El Centro, California. Owned by Imperial Valley Press
¡Ahora sí!, Austin, Texas. Owned by GateHouse Media
Al Día Dallas, Dallas, Texas. Owned by A. H. Belo Corporation
Bajo el Sol, Yuma, Arizona. Owned by Yuma Sun
El Extra Texas, Brownsville, Texas. Owned by AIM Media Texas
El Nuevo Heraldo, Brownsville, Texas. Owned by AIM Media Texas
El Nuevo Herald, Miami, Florida. Owned by McClatchy
El Sentinel, Deerfield Beach, Florida. Owned by Sun Sentinel Media Group
El Sol de Salinas, Salinas, California. Owned by Gannett Company, Inc.
El Tiempo, Las Vegas, Nevada. Owned by Las Vegas-Review Journal
Excélsior, Orange County and Los Angeles, California. Owned by Southern California News Group
Hoy, Chicago, Illinois. Owned by Tribune Publishing Company (Chicago Tribune)
Hoy & LA Times En Español, Los Angeles, California. Owned by The Los Angeles Times
La Estrella, Fort Worth, Texas. Owned by McClatchy
La Estrella de Tucsón, Tucson, Arizona. Owned by Lee Enterprises
La Prensa, Riverside, California. Owned by Southern California News Group
La Voz Arizona, Phoenix, Arizona. Owned by Gannett Company, Inc.
La Voz de Houston, Houston, Texas. Owned by Hearst Newspapers, LLC
La Voz Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Owned by LNP Media Group, Inc.
People en español (magazine), New York, NY. Owned by Meredith Group
Tiempo de Laredo, Laredo, Texas. Owned by Hearst Newspapers, LLC
Viva Iowa, Hampton, Iowa. Owned by Mid-America Publishing Corporation